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First Evangelical Free Church of Moline
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Les informations suivantes sont disponibles pour First Evangelical Free Church of Moline:

One FAMILY, Far-reaching IMPACT.

Heures d'ouverture

Prêt pour une visite? Vérifiez les heures d'ouverture suivantes pour First Evangelical Free Church of Moline:

Lundi:08:30 am - 04:30 pm
Mardi:08:30 am - 04:30 pm
Mercredi:08:30 am - 04:30 pm
Jeudi:08:30 am - 04:30 pm
Vendredi:08:30 am - 12:00 pm
Dimanche:09:00 am - 10:15 am
10:30 am - 11:30 am

Notez que les heures d'ouverture peuvent varier en fonction des jours fériés.

First Evangelical Free Church of Moline est à l'adresse suivante:

3321 7th St

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(309) 764-3381

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Registration is now open!


DAILY BIBLE READING PLAN When God Speaks! Pascal confessed, “I have separated myself from Him” and prayed, “Let me not be separated from Him eternally.” Jesus answered, “This Is Eternal Life!” This week we read several passages of Scripture which speak of the wandering heart longing for life. When we gather on Sunday, July 21 we will learn how knowing God in the midst of life is the key to enjoying eternal life. Monday – Psalm 73:1-28 Tuesday – Jeremiah 2:1-13 Wednesday – John 3:1-15 Thursday – John 4:1-30 Friday – 1 John 2:12-17 Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. – John 17:3 (NIV)


DAILY BIBLE READING PLAN When God Speaks! What defines your present state? Darkness or light? Hope or despair? Loss or gain? The future or the past? ob cries out, “My days have passed, my plans are shattered. Yet the desires of my heart turn night into day; in the face of the darkness light is near.” But, God says, “Let light shine out of darkness!” This week we will read several passages of Scripture comparing our experience of darkness with God’s promise of light. When we gather on Sunday, July 14 we will learn why the statement “After the Darkness, Light” served as the motto for the reformation in Geneva. Monday – Genesis 1:1-5, 14-19 Tuesday – Job 17:1-16 Wednesday – Psalm 139:1-12 Thursday – Isaiah 9:1-7 Friday – 2 Corinthians 4:1-6 For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. –2 Corinthians 4:6 (NIV)


DAILY BIBLE READING PLAN When God Speaks! Plagued by doubt. Feeling unworthy. Anguished by sin. How can one be right with God? How can we be assured of our salvation? God says, “By faith” the Apostle Paul writes in his letter to the church at Rome that the good news is God’s provision of a righteousness that is ours by faith. This week we read several passages that extend the hope of salvation by faith alone through Christ alone. When we gather on Sunday we will learn of how the word of God brought hope to a coal miner’s son in the sixteenth century. Monday – Romans 1:1-17 Tuesday – Galatians 2:15-21 Wednesday – Ephesians 2:1-10 Thursday – Romans 4:1-26 Friday – Romans 10:5-17 For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.” – Romans 1:17 (NIV)


DAILY BIBLE READING PLAN When God Speaks! God says, “It’s Time!” The hour has come for us to respond. This week we read five portions from God’s word in which He says, “It’s time!” Read the text and ask yourself, “What time is it?” and, “How should I respond?” Monday – Romans 5:1-11 Tuesday – 2 Corinthians 5:17 – 6:2 Wednesday – 1 Peter 4:1-11 Thursday – Romans 13:11-14 Friday – Hebrews 4:7-13 Next Sunday, June 30th, we will observe how Augustine of Hippo responded to God’s word when He heard God say, “It’s time!” On the nature of Sin Our real pleasure consisted in doing something that was forbidden. The evil in me was foul, but I loved it! – Augustine of Hippo


DAILY BIBLE READING PLAN When God Speaks! What does it mean when Christ-followers experience tribulations, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, or sword in this life? Does it mean that God has abandoned us? Are we outside of the love of Christ if we experience any of these individually or all of these together? God says, “No!” The Apostle Paul writes in his letter to the church at Rome that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. We are more than conquerors through Christ in the face of these horrors, because we belong to Christ who loved us. This week we read God’s word for the persecuted church. When we gather on Sunday we will learn of how the word of God strengthened Perpetua of Carthage to trust Christ in the face of death. Monday – Psalm 56:1-13 Tuesday – 1 Peter 4:1-19 Wednesday – Romans 8:1-17 Thursday – Romans 8:18-30 Friday – Romans 8:31-39 "I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." – Romans 8:38–39 (NIV)


Day 2 of Journey with Jesus VBS!!


First Day of Journeying with Jesus was great!! If you aren't already signed up for VBS, make sure to sign up online or come early tomorrow morning!! Hope to see you there!


DAILY BIBLE READING PLAN New Sermon Series: When God Speaks – Perpetua of Carthage – Augustine of Hippo – Martin Luther – John Calvin – Blaise Pascal – William Booth – Amy Carmichael – Corrie Ten Boom – Francis Collins – David Livingstone What do these 10 men and women have in common? They each looked to God's word and found it timeless, timely and trustworthy. This Summer (Sundays, June 16 - August 25) we will hear how God used His word to forever change the lives of these ten Christ-followers. Don't miss "When God Speaks! His Timeless, Timely & Trustworthy Word." The readings for this week are from Psalm 119 and focus on the timeless, timely and trustworthy nature of God's Word. Monday – Psalm 119:9-16 Tuesday – Psalm 119:25-32 Wednesday – Psalm 119:33-40 Thursday – Psalm 119:89-96 Friday – Psalm 119:105-112 Your word, Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. Your faithfulness continues through all generations; you established the earth, and it endures. – Psalm 119:89–90 (NIV)


Less than a week until VBS starts!! Make sure that you are signed up so that we are ready for you! Hope to see you there!


Make sure to sign up soon!!


DAILY BIBLE READING PLAN Draw the Circle: A 40-Day Prayer Challenge Looking ahead. The readings from God’s Word for this week are selected because they inform or support the daily devotional thoughts from Draw a Circle: The 40-Day Prayer Challenge. Monday – 2 Kings 19:1-37 (Day 34) Tuesday – Zechariah 4:1-14 (Day 35) Wednesday – Matthew 6:19-24 (Day 36) Thursday – Matthew 18:18-20 (Day 37) Friday – James 5:13-18 (Day 38) Look back, then follow through. Remember to join forces in prayer. Paul’s use of the second person plural in Ephesians 6:10-20 makes it clear. God commands, equips and calls us to join forces in prayer so that we can stand against the schemes of our enemy and advance the gospel among all people. Regardless of how you personally express the second person plural, y’all – you‘unz – yinz – youse—you better join forces by forming a Prayer Cord or Prayer Circle for your spiritual well-being and the advancement of the gospel. Who will you invite to join you in forming a Prayer Circle or Prayer Cord? When will you meet to pray? Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. –Matthew 18:19–20 (NIV)


I am extending free CD for registration for today only!! If you register for VBS today, you will still receive the free VBS music CD!


DAILY BIBLE READING PLAN Draw the Circle: A 40-Day Prayer Challenge Today is Day 20 of our 40-Day Prayer Challenge. We are learning to circle the concerns of our heart with the promises of God. Read God's Word and continue to pray God's promises. Stop by the church during the week to pray at the Memorial Wall. Note other's prayer concerns and add your promise as you intercede on behalf of others. Monday – Hebrews 11:1-12 Tuesday – Joshua 6:1-27 Wednesday – Judges 6:11-40 Thursday – Acts 1:1-14 Friday – Isaiah 50:4-10 You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed. – Joshua 23:14 (NIV)


DAILY BIBLE READING PLAN Draw the Circle: A 40-Day Prayer Challenge Today is Day 13 of our 40-Day Prayer Challenge. We are learning to circle the concerns of our heart with the promises of God. The language of promise is "I will." Can you identify the promises of God in the readings for this week? What does God say He will do in these passages from His Word, the Bible? Monday – Isaiah 40:27-31 Tuesday – Isaiah 55:6-11 Wednesday – Psalm 37:1-8 Thursday – Psalm 46:1-11 Friday – Matthew 28:16-20 Read and Pray: 1. Identify the Promise. What does God's Word say He will do? 2. Apply the Promise. Who needs God to keep His Word? 3. Trust and Obey. Is there a step of faith or act of obedience required? 4. Write these observations down in the form of a simple prayer (3-4 sentences). You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed. –Joshua 23:14 (NIV)


First Free Kids VBS is looking for maps for our VBS decorations. They can be maps of anywhere, but please only donate them if you don't want them back. You can give them to Jen or leave them at the church office. Thanks!!!


DAILY BIBLE READING PLAN Draw the Circle: A 40-Day Prayer Challenge Keeping a Prayer Journal enables you to preserve a record of God's faithfulness, so that like Joshua you can say, "not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed." The readings Monday - Thursday this week review God's faithfulness to the people of God in the book of Joshua. Friday's reading from Acts 10 will help prepare you to hear God's word on Sunday, May 12th. Monday – Joshua 1:1-9 and 23:1-16 Tuesday – Joshua 2:1-14 (Numbers 13:26-33) Wednesday – Joshua 4:1-24 Thursday – Joshua 6:1-27 Friday – Acts 10:1-33 You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed. – Joshua 23:14 (NIV)


DAILY BIBLE READING PLAN Draw the Circle: A 40-Day Prayer Challenge What do you want me to do for you? This is an important prayer question. Jesus and His disciples were leaving Jericho with a crowd in tow. Two blind men sitting along the road cried out, “Lord, have mercy on us!” The multitude rebuked them, but Jesus stopped and called out to them, “What do you want me to do for you?” They answered, “Lord, we want our sight.” Drawing the Circle as a prayer habit begins with knowing our need. Forming a request begins with knowing what we would like the Lord to do for us, another person, our church or community. Then, we draw a circle around that need with a clear understanding of the promise of God. For example, in Ephesians 6:19 the Apostle Paul expresses his need for boldness in proclaiming the gospel while in Roman chains. Knowing the Lord’s promise recorded in Luke 12:12 enables us to draw a circle around Paul’s need with God’s promise as we pray. We can bring this example to the 21st Century by praying for Pastor John Cao who just completed his second year in a Chinese prison. I am praying that his unjust imprisonment will result in the gospel being made known to prison guards, interrogators, and fellow inmates. Lord, make John Cao a fearless witness of the good news which is ours in Jesus Christ. Monday – Matthew 7:7-11 Tuesday – Matthew 20:29-34 Wednesday – James 4:1-10 Thursday – Psalm 145:1-21 Friday – Luke 11:8-13 The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does. –Psalm 145:13 (NIV)


Registration for Freaky Fun Camp is now open! Freaky Fun Camp will be held June 24th-28th from 9:00-11:30 am . Open to all kids 3rd-5th grade. Cost $10, scholarships available upon request. Register online at . Choices are: Fishing, Painting or Colored Pencils, Intro to Worship Guitar, Bag Quilting, Pinterest Crafts and Disc Golf. Sign up soon, we do have a max number in each class!


Registration for VBS is now open! Journey with Jesus will be June 10-14th 9:00-11:30 am. All kids preschool (4 by June 1st and potty trained) through having completed 5th grade. Register online at by May 27th for a free music cd!!


Ici vous pouvez trouver des photos de First Evangelical Free Church of Moline:


Ici vous pouvez trouver des vidéos de First Evangelical Free Church of Moline:

Great time at Freaky Fun Camp 2017!

Great time at Operation Arctic VBS last week

Online registration is now open for this summer's Operation Arctic VBS! June 12-16th 9:00-11:30 am Includes preschool(4 by June 1, 2017)-5th grade Register by May 22nd for free VBS music CD! Hope you can join us!

Freaky Fun Camp

Make sure to register for Freaky Fun Camp by July 1! Freaky Fun Camp will be July 11-15th 9:00-11:30 am for kids that have completed 3rd-6th grade. This year our activities include: photography, painting, cooking, pottery, fishing and pinterest crafts-you will have to choose one-that is the hard part! Cost is $10, scholarships available upon request.

Son Sparks Labs VBS at First Free Church of Moline June 22-26 Who is it for: Preshcool age 4 thru 6th Grade Discovering God's Plan 4U=Jesus!

Come out this coming Friday April 18th for our #GoodFridayService at 7:00PM.

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Restaurants proche

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1422 5th Ave, Moline
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Americain, Européen, Fast Food, Grec
Miss Mamies Restaurant
3925 16th St, Moline
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Osaka Buffet
3901 41st Avenue Dr, Moline
Asiatique, Buffet, Sushi
Johnny's Italian Steakhouse
1300 River Dr, Moline
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Sriracha Thai Bistro & Oyster Bar
2900 River Dr, Ste 118, Moline
Asiatique, Fusion asiatique, Thaï
Ming Wah
1315 41st St, Moline
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El Mexicano
448 Railroad Ave, Moline
Latino-américain, Mexicain
Barley & Rye Bistro
1320 5th Ave, Moline
Tony's Chicago Style Pizzeria
1610 7th St, Moline
Nourriture de confort, Européen, Italien, Pizza
Chick-fil-A Southpark Mall (IL)
4500 16th St, Moline
El Pavito Restaurant
2715 Avenue of the Cities, Moline
Style de famille, Latino-américain, Mexicain
Applebee's Grill + Bar
3805 41st Ave, Moline
Osaka Japanese Restaurant
4707 16th St, Moline
Asiatique, Sushi
Oishii Hibachi & Sushi
4800 Avenue of the Cities, Moline
Asiatique, Sushi
The Grinders & Spaghetti House - Moline
3210 Avenue of the Cities, Moline
Européen, Style de famille, Fast Food, Italien
Bare Bones BBQ and Pizza
2401 69th Ave, Moline
Barbecue, Nourriture de confort, Pizza
TGI Fridays
1425 River Dr, Moline
Village Inn Restaurants
2001 1st Street A, Moline
Petit déjeuner, Brunch, Style de famille
Los Agaves Mexican Grill Ave of the Cities
5304 Avenue of the Cities, Moline
Montana Jacks
5400 27th St, Moline
The Great Indian Restaurant
4400 Avenue of the Cities, Moline
Asiatique, Indien, Moyen-Orient
Panera Bread
4044 38th Avenue, Moline
Fast Food
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1525 3rd Ave A, Moline
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Vérifiez également ce Salons de coiffure à proximité:

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101 5th Ave, Moline
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3915 16th St, Moline
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1417 6th, Moline
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